Working at Bonatti means becoming part of dynamic team committed to achieving challenging objectives in international and multicultural contexts.
Stove pipe construction sequence is a "pipe by pipe" method applied whenever the pipeline route width is very narrow. In certain conditions heavy machinery are limited in use and several operations must be carried out in-trench. Stove pipe construction phases (excavation, laying, welding, NDT, coating, back filling) are focused on a single pipe length and shall all be completed before proceeding to the next.
In-trench activity represents a significant productivity constrain which frequently impacts construction efficiency. Manual activities highlight other criticalities due to safety, quality and cost issues: automation allows to achieve important benefits along all the pipeline process.
The Bonatti process combines the use of dedicated equipment – i.e. the adapted ELUCs (External Line-Up Clamps) for mechanized welding system – with the use of Bonatti Mechatronic Welding System. A series of particular measures allow welders to operate with automatic machines even in tightest spaces.
Bonatti can document strong achievements in the application of this system:
Improved Safety
Improved Weld Quality
Improved Productivity
Working at Bonatti means becoming part of dynamic team committed to achieving challenging objectives in international and multicultural contexts.