Supervisors Safety Trophy, “Zimella - Cervignano” pipeline project 15/04/2014

Supervisors Safety Trophy, “Zimella - Cervignano” pipeline project




The HSE Department released, in the end of 2013, a procedure which defines a set of tools and best practices that supervisory personnel and HSE staff are required to put in place to raise the level of safety at work sites.



Incentives and rewards for employees are one of the ways to encourage good health and safety practices on site.


An incentive and rewarding program can be useful to:

  • Promoting a positive safety culture amongst all employees
  • Promoting continuous safety improvement
  • Reward those who achieve outstanding health and safety performance;
  • Reward those who actively support a good culture on site;


For this purpose, the HSE Department released, in the end of 2013, a procedure which, within the frame of a Safety Trophy, defines a set of tools and best practices that supervisory personnel and HSE staff are required to put in place to raise the level of safety at work sites, such as :

  • Toolbox talk System;
  • Periodic HSE audits per team ;
  • Newcomers tutoring for the first period of site activities;
  • Reporting (Near miss , anomalies, workers positive behaviors, etc.) .


The procedure provides too clear criteria of ranking of the merits of the personnel involved, after the periodic evaluation by an HSE Committee of the results of specific audits and analysis of a number indicators.
The program has found its first application on the pipeline project “Zimella - Cervignano” (CR-Italy), where it kicked off last October, and that has witnessed its conclusion on the 31st of March 2014.


The program, or “Supervisors Safety Trophy " engaged 15 supervisors who participated with enthusiasm and commitment to the competition, contributing to its success. From the scrutiny of the data for the period of duration of the trophy it was possible to observe an actual increase in the threshold of attention towards accident prevention and a greater involvement of the participants in practice often erroneously considered an exclusive property of HSE specialists


On April 15th, a short ceremony held at the project site offices and attended by representatives of the Company and Project management, completed the competition in a positive and contented atmosphere.

The Pipeline Operation Manager Mr Alessandro Spurio extended to all the congratulations of the Business Unit Manager Mr Corvi and wanted to praise personally the winner, Leonardo Iacono, Tie-in Supervisor, and all the other Supervisors intervened.

The program will be reiterated on other projects worldwide.


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